
Welcome to my project portfolio! I am Ooi Heng Seng, a year 3 Computer Science student in National University of Singapore.

This document showcases the contributions I made to Software Engineering’s project MeetingBook.

Project: MeetingBook


We are a team of 5 students from National University of Singapore’s School of Computing. We developed a desktop scheduling application called MeetingBook for our software engineering’s project. The application is created for scheduling meetings for NUS modules and CCAs. The user interacts with it using a command line interface (CLI), and has a graphical user interface (GUI) created with JavaFX. We have to deliver the product within 9 weeks. The project is based on a software engineering project AddressBook-Level4. The project is written in Java, and has about 10kLoC.

Summary of contributions

  • Major enhancement: updated the user interface

    • How it looks like:

    • What it does: allows the user to view all information at a glance.

    • Justification: the updated user interface improves the user experience significantly because it reduces the amount of interaction to look for the information.

    • Highlights: this enhancement requires additional enhancement to select, find and list commands to interact with all interface elements. It requires user to enter additional parameter to commands mentioned.

    • Credits: JavaFX

  • Major enhancement: updated the select command

    • Updated select command to select between groups, meetings or persons. Select groups will filter meeting and person lists to show only relevant information of the group.

  • Minor enhancement:

    • Updated list command to show all groups, meetings or persons.

  • Code contributed: [RepoSense][Pull Requests]

  • Other contributions:

Contributions to the User Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users.

User Interface

This section will explain the user interface of the application.

  1. Menu bar: provides access to functions

  2. Group list: displays a list of groups

  3. Meeting list: displays a list of meetings

  4. Person list: displays a list of person

  5. Command box: receives command from user and execute

  6. Result display: displays the result of command executed

  7. Update status: displays the update status of current session

  8. Save path: displays current data save path

Selecting a group / person / meeting: select

Format: select [person|group|meeting] [index] where [index] is a positive integer (starts from 1)

  • If select [group] is entered, the person list will be filtered to show only person who belong to the group, and the meeting list will be filtered to show only meeting scheduled for the group.

  • If select [person] is entered, only the person that is in the filtered person list will be selected.

  • If select [meeting] is entered, only the meeting that is in the filtered meeting list will be selected.


  • select g/1: selects the first group in the filtered group list.

  • select m/3: selects the third meeting in the filtered meeting list.

  • select p/2: selects the second person in the filtered person list.

Listing all groups / meetings / persons : list

Display all existing groups on the group list / meetings on the meeting list / persons on the person list display.

Format: list <group|meeting|person|all>
Shorthand: list <g|m|p|a>

If the list is unfiltered, the list will remain the same. If list command does not have parameters entered, it will execute list all by default.


  • list group: list all groups.

  • list m: list all meetings.

  • list person: list all persons.

  • list a: list all groups, meetings and persons.

Contributions to the Developer Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project.

UI component

Figure 1. Structure of the UI Component


The UI consists of a MainWindow that is made up of parts e.g.CommandBox, ResultDisplay, PersonListPanel, StatusBarFooter, GroupListPanel etc. All these, including the MainWindow, inherit from the abstract UiPart class.

The UI component uses JavaFx UI framework. The layout of these UI parts are defined in matching .fxml files that are in the src/main/resources/view folder. For example, the layout of the MainWindow is specified in MainWindow.fxml

The UI component,

  • Executes user commands using the Logic component.

  • Binds itself to some data in the Model so that the UI can auto-update when data in the Model change.

  • Responds to events raised from various parts of the App and updates the UI accordingly.

Select feature

The select command selects the GroupCard, MeetingCard or PersonCard in the ObservableList<Group>, ObservableList<Meeting>, or ObservableList<Person> respectively in Model that is bounded to the UI. This section will explain current implementation of select command, execution sequence, and design considerations of multiple implementations.

Current Implementation

The select mechanism is facilitated by ModelManager. It extends Model with three lists, UniquePersonList, UniqueMeetingList and UniqueGroupList and implements the following operations:

  • Model#updateFilteredPersonList — Updates person list with a specific Predicate.

  • Model#updateFilteredGroupList — Updates group list with specific Predicate.

  • Model#updateFilteredMeetingList — Updates meeting list with specific Predicate.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the select mechanism behaves at each step.

Step 1. The user launches the application for the first time. The ModelManager will be initialized with the initial MeetingBook state, and UniquePersonList, UniqueMeetingList and UniqueGroupList contains all person, meetings and groups respectively without filter.

Step 2. The user executes select command to select the item type with the specified index in the MeetingBook. The SelectCommandParser parses the command to determine the select type, and the command executes the following steps:

  • Step 2.1. If the prefix is g/, a JumpToGroupListRequestEvent is sent to update the UI to select the group card, Model#updateFilteredPersonList is called to filter UniquePersonList to contain only person that are associated with the group, and Model#updateFilteredMeetingList is called to filter UniqueMeetingList to show only meeting that is associated with the group.

  • Step 2.2. If the prefix is m/, a JumpToMeetingListRequestEvent is sent to the UI to select the meeting card.

  • Step 2.3. If the prefix is p/, a JumpToListRequestEvent is sent to the UI to select the person card.

If a group is selected, subsequent select calls to person and meeting list will only select the person or meeting in the filtered UniquePersonList or UniqueMeetingList respectively.
Figure 2. Select group sequence diagram when user executes select group 1
Figure 3. Select command activity diagram

Design Considerations

Aspect: Data structure to support the select command
  • Alternative 1 (current choice): Use a single select class to perform all select operations.

    • Pros: Easy to implement as there are fewer lines of code required.

    • Cons: Harder to extend if need to implement select command for other items, select class will become bloated if too many items require select command.

  • Alternative 2: Abstract select class containing required variables and methods without implementation, and select commands inherit from the abstract class and implement the execution functionality.

    • Pros: Good data structure, easy to extend functionality to select other items.

    • Cons: Requires more code to implement.

List feature

The list command removes any filters applied to UniqueGroupList, UniquePersonList and UniqueMeetingList by other commands. This section will explain current implementation of list command and design considerations during development phase.

Current implementation

The list mechanism is facilitated by ModelManager. It uses the same operations as mentioned in select feature, namely Model#updateFilteredPersonList, Model#updateFilteredGroupList and Model#updateFilteredMeetingList.

Given below is an example usage scenario and operations executed by list mechanism at each step.

Step 1. The user launches the application. ModelManager will be initialized with initial MeetingBook state, and UniquePersonList, UniqueMeetingList and UniqueGroupList contains all person, meetings and groups respectively without filter.

Step 2. The user executes list command with additional parameter to specify the list to show all items. Available parameters are person, meeting, group and all, or their shorthand equivalent p, m, g and a. ListCommandParser parses the command to determine the list type, and the command executes the following steps:

  • Step 2.1. If the parameter is group / g, Model#updateFilteredGroupList is called with PREDICATE_SHOW_ALL_GROUPS to remove any filters applied to UniqueGroupList.

  • Step 2.2. If the parameter is meeting / m, Model#updateFilteredMeetingList is called with PREDICATE_SHOW_ALL_MEETINGS to remove any filters applied to UniqueMeetingList.

  • Step 2.3. If the parameter is person / p, Model#updateFilteredPersonList is called with PREDICATE_SHOW_ALL_PERSONS to remove any filters applied to UniquePersonList.

  • Step 2.4. If the parameter is all / a / empty, steps 2.1., 2.2. and 2.3. will be executed.

List will remain unchanged if it does not have any filters applied before executing list command.
Figure 4. List group sequence diagram

Below is the pseudo code of list command execution.

public CommandResult execute(Model model, CommandHistory history) {
    switch (listCommandType) {
        case PERSON:
            // Show all persons, return success
        case GROUP:
            // Show all groups, return success
        case MEETING:
            // Show all meetings, return success
            // Show all persons, groups and meetings, return success

Design considerations

Aspect: Data structure to support the list command
  • Alternative 1 (current choice) : Use a single list class to perform all list operations.

    • Pros: Easy to implement as fewer lines of code are required.

    • Cons: Harder to extend list functionality if need to implement list command for other items, list class will become bloated if too many items require list command.

  • Alternative 2 : Abstract list class containing required variables and methods without implementation, and specific list commands inherit from the abstract class and implement the execution functionality.

    • Pros: Good data structure, easy to extend functionality to other items that require list command.

    • Cons: Requires more lines of code to implement.